Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Money can’t buy me love, what you think?

Hey, here’s a thought, tell me what you think…

You know why rich people don’t just give money away?

I mean poor people think that the rich owe them money because they are rich. You can just feel resentment broiling when a person known to have the money get’s to be in the midst of those who don’t have anything.
This is not being petty or even being ignorant. It is just human nature and of course, one of the members of the deadliest 7 major sins who know ENVY.

But that is beside the point. Rich people are not so keen on giving money not because they are selfish (some are) but because they know money. They know that money is nothing, does not mean anything.
Truth is:

Money can buy you objects but will never buy you sense of accomplishment – in a sense, happiness.

Trite, right?

Sure thing but if you have nothing in life, all you can think is that “if you only you have money, you can buy this and that and that you will be happy at long last”. But that is not true.

Money is nothing but an object used to trick us into believing that it will make us happy. Those who are born to silver spoon – and another truth to tell, I can’t grasp what they are thinking or how they feel – don’t even think about money.

You know why the rich get richer?

This is not because they have money. This is because they know how to create, to make and to build something that make them feel accomplished. It is not about the money as money is just a metric, a measuring stick to know if they have accomplished what they want.

So how can a poor and not so very poor be happy?

And here lies another irony, the answer is so simple but the process is very complicated.

It does not help on thinking to get rich; to thrive to earn money. A poor who will win millions on lotto will still be poor and will probably go back to square 1 a year later. A rich earning a thousand profit will earn millions a year later.

A poor with a thousand peso will probably lose that thousand the same day. The rich with a thousand peso will likely not know it and put it back to business to earn more.

I heard a wise person ones said:

“When you stop thinking about the money, it will come to you…”

And so, if we stop seeing money as a cause of our happiness instead of the result, then we will remain in the loop of unhappiness, restlessness and dissatisfaction.

And here is another irony

We need to think like we are rich to earn more.

But we don’t know how the rich think because we are not.

So what do we do?

I don’t want to confuse you, just want you to think. I just want to emphasize that whatever dreams we are shooting at, money is inconsequential. Money or the lack thereof must not hinder us from reaching out what we want out of life.

When I was in college, I stopped because we don’t have money to send me to school. I continued my studies two and half later not because we have the money but because I was more determined to finish my studies.

The whole two and half years after that, I still didn’t have the money, but that didn’t stop me from graduating.
You see, having no money won’t stop you from anything you have set out to do.

And what more, that time when I don’t have even a single peso in my pocket, that was the happiest years of my life so far. That was when I was strongest and most clear on what I want in life and that was to finish my studies.

When you stop thinking that money will make everything all right, that money will make you happy, that is the day that you open yourself to opportunity to find and earn money. That is also the day you open yourself to creativity, fulfillment and happiness.

So what should you do now?

List out 5 things that you think will make you happy but that you can’t have or do because you don’t have money. Share on the comment below and let us see what you can do about it if we put money out of the equation.

God Bless,

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